Cleansing and Detoxification…
The most comprehensive Colon Cleansing Program available. Formulated for health enthusiasts who understand and appreciate the value of internal cleansing and detoxification.
Why The Colon Care Program?
- Constipation
- Inadequate dietary fiber intake
- Rapidly deteriorating health conditions in America
- Chemical additives, preservatives, and hormones in foods
The Colon Care Program is an advanced program designed to assist and support you in a complete and thorough internal cleansing. Today, with increased exposure to environmental and dietary toxins, many people are realizing the importance of supporting the body systems that provide proper elimination of impurities and undesirable materials. The Colon Care Program has been formulated for discriminating individuals who understand and appreciate the full benefits of cleansing and detoxification. Many health professionals report that supporting the normal cleansing and detoxification processes of the body may be the single most important factor in obtaining optimum health.
The Colon Care Program is a natural means to help support gentle cleansing of the colon’s unwanted impurities, promote the transit time of digested food and nutritionally support the colon’s ability to absorb the vital nutrients in the food we eat. The Colon Care Program is a comprehensive cleansing and detoxification program consisting of Fiber Plus and CC Tabs that may be taken twice daily morning and evening for thirty days. During alternate months you may choose to use Fiber Plus and/or CC Tabs as part of your daily maintenance program. The Colon Care Program may be followed four to six times a year.
Why Use the Colon Care Program?
- To promote normal digestion and healthy regularity
- Support normal cleansing of the colon’s impurities
- Promotes transit time
- Insufficient dietary fiber intake
- Promotes energy/vitality

Click on any question below and you shall receive your answer…
What is the Colon?
The colon makes up the lower end of the digestive tract. The word colon is sometimes used as a synonym for the entire large intestine, but actually the colon extends only from the cecum, where the appendix is located, to the rectum. The colon is divided into ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid sections.
What is the Colon’s Function?
The colon absorbs water, minerals and nutrients from digested fecal material. The quicker this material passes through the bowel, the wetter a stool will be, the slower it passes through the bowel, the firmer a stool will be. Authorities suggest that a normal, healthy colon should eliminate 2-4 times per day. Some authorities go further to suggest that it is preferred to eliminate after each meal.
What is the Colon Care Program?
The Colon Care Program is an advanced program designed to assist and support you in a complete and thorough internal cleansing. Today, with increased exposure to environmental and dietary toxins, many people are realizing the importance of supporting the body systems that provide proper elimination of impurities and undesirable materials. The Perfect Source Colon Care Program is an easy-to-follow, two-step dietary supplement program consisting of Fiber Plus and CC Tabs. The Colon Care Program has been formulated for discriminating people who understand and appreciate the benefits of colon cleansing and internal detoxification. Many health professionals report that supporting the normal cleansing and detoxification processes of the body may be the single most important factor in obtaining optimum health.
The Colon Care Program is a natural means to help gently cleanse the colon of unwanted impurities, enhance the transit time of digested food and nutritionally support the colon’s ability to absorb the vital nutrients in the food we eat.
Why use the Colon Care Program?
Largely due to the typical American diet, which is high in refined products, sugars, fats and chemicals and low in dietary fiber, many of us may experience digestive and colon-related health problems. Nutritionally supporting the cleansing of your body’s toxins is the first step in achieving radiant health. It is a step that too many bypass and may be detrimental to one’s health goals.
Promotes transit time
Promotes energy/vitality
Insufficient dietary fiber intake
Nutritionally support the digestive system
To promote normal digestion and healthy regularity
Support normal cleansing of the colon’s impurities
How Can Constipation Effect My Health?
The colon is the body’s elimination system. If the elimination system slows down, poisons and toxins may become trapped in the colon. This accumulated matter may become a breeding ground for unhealthy bacteria, which given the proper environment can multiply. Capillaries lining the colon wall may begin to absorb these toxins and poisons into the bloodstream. Since they are fed by the bloodstream, the body’s tissues and organs may become exposed to these toxic elements.
Do I have to Fast While Taking the Colon Care Program?
Unlike many cleansing programs that rely on fasting’s natural cleansing effects, the Perfect Source Colon Care Program does not require fasting or dramatic dietary changes with the exception that we suggest increasing your water intake to a minimum of eight glasses per day. The Colon Care Program should not effect or interrupt your daily routine.
What Does the Colon Care Program Consist of?
FIBER PLUS: The ingredients found in Fiber Plus are psyllium, rice bran, apple pectin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides). Together these ingredients support and promote gentle and effective bowel transit time.* Fiber Plus supports the cleansing and toning of the digestive and eliminative channels without absorbing or robbing vital nutrients from your body.
Many individuals today have a difficult time obtaining the recommended 20-30 grams of dietary fiber on a daily basis through their diet alone. Fortunately there’s Fiber Plus, the ingredients in Fiber Plus together with a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, may also help promote and support healthy cholesterol levels and the cardiovascular system.
Benefits and Features
- Soothing apple pectin
- 100% Functional Ingredients
- No maltodextrin, flavors or sweeteners
- Works throughout the entire digestive system
- Provides both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers
- Blends into favorite liquid, provides great taste naturally
- FOS feeds & promotes growth of friendly microflora in the digestive system
The recommended daily intake for dietary fiber is 20-30 grams per day (based upon a 2000 calorie diet). Many health professionals suggest that a comprehensive dietary fiber supplement such as Fiber Plus be continued daily even after the 30-day colon cleanse program is finished.
At least eight glasses of purified water should be consumed daily when taking a dietary fiber supplement to keep one from becoming constipated. In the event a person experiences loose stools it is important to drink liquids later. Of course, dietary fiber is stirred into a liquid to ingest it, but if loose stools persist always consult a physician.
CC TABS: Provide mild nutritional support as part of our Colon Care Program. CC Tabs are formulated from health-giving herbs and sea vegetation that helps support the breakdown and cleansing of deposits along the colon wall, while providing nutritional support to the digestive system and naturally promoting bowel regularity. CC Tabs contain our exclusive Sea Life Blend consisting of eight varieties of sea vegetation to naturally support and nourish the digestive system.* CC Tabs are gentle on sensitive systems and non-habit forming.
Benefits and Features
- Contains no irritants or stimulants
- Supports regularity, 100% Natural
- Non-habit forming, Gentle and subtle
I Have Experienced Colon Related Challenges, is the Colon Care Program Safe?
The Colon Care program consists of health giving herbs and sea vegetation to naturally and safely support the colon. Perfect Source recommends that you consult your health care professional prior to taking any supplements or beginning a cleansing program.
When Should I Cleanse?
There is no right or wrong time to cleanse and detoxify the body. Some prefer to cleanse with the seasons, four to six times per year, especially in the spring and fall. Mark your calendar, after a long winter of heavy foods, many people have traditionally utilized herbs to help cleanse and detoxify their systems. We are normally more active in summer months and often choose poor food combinations out of convenience. Fall is also an ideal time to cleanse your system prior to winter’s cold and flu season.
It is recommended to use Activated Charcoal, Fiber Plus and CC Tabs twice per day for thirty days. During alternate months you may choose to use Fiber Plus and/or CC Tabs as part of your daily maintenance program to support regularity. The Colon Care Program may be followed four to six times a year.
How Do I Use the Colon Care Program?
Fiber Plus
As a dietary supplement, begin your Colon Care Program by stirring ½ teaspoon dietary fiber in an eight-ounce glass of purified water or juice two times daily. Drink immediately, making sure to follow the dietary fiber with at least eight ounces of purified water or juice with each serving. Gradually increase to one heaping teaspoon twice daily. Dietary fiber may be taken in the morning and/or evening.
CC Tabs
As a dietary supplement, begin your Colon Care Program with two CC Tabs twice daily. If desired, add an additional CC Tab. In the event of discomfort reduce to one CC Tab. CC Tabs may be taken in the morning and/or evening. **CC Tabs are non-habit forming.
NOTE: Children 12 years of age or younger, consult a physician prior to Colon Care Program use